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Tablet, Phone and Watch


Building bridges between the digital divide!

As long as I can remember, I've always been obsessed with technology and wanted to know how things work.  One of my earliest memories is when I disassembled my mom's brand new Boom Box, just to see and learn what made it "boom".  That curiosity and evolving skill ordained me as the family tech guy.  If it didn't work, they called me.  


For the last 17 years, I've been able to turn my passion into my profession.  I've had the honor of helping people with technology inside their homes through installations and customer service.  As the world continues to evolve and change, so does the skillset that is required to operate day-to-day machineries that were once single-button operational.  Daily, I encounter people who simply need someone to understand where they are, where they want to be, and how to get them there.  My calm, patient demeanor provides first-class instruction in providing that digital boost to get you there.


We, at GrandSun Digital, truly believe that many would be amazed at how inclusive technology has become and how it could maximize the quality of life. Whether you or a loved one needs help solving an immediate tech issue, learning something new, or ordering a new tech device, GrandSun Digital can help.


Desmond Jenkins, Founder and CEO

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